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My background teaches that position is everything. We see athletes competing at the highest levels physiologically, and know that the biggest changes can only come from getting an athlete into a better position. This also rings true for the rest of us. If you are looking to prolong your athletic career, or simply do what you love for the rest of your life, this guard simply facilitates the best position possible for anything my athletes or I do. I only wish I’d found this sooner.

Brian Mackenzie - Founder of Cross fit Endurance

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Joy Bryant

Joy Bryant.jpg

Hi there!

I love the mouthguard!!! Biggest thing for me is when we slide. It’s so tiny, fits perfect, and works really well with all the vibrations going down the track. I can see a bit of a difference in my lifting as well. Especially when I do squats because I tend to bite down on my teeth. I’m really excited to see what the future brings for performance with the mouthguard :)

Thanks so much again

Joy Bryant - USA Bobsled



Morgan Tracey

Hey Doc Joe!

Thanks again for all your help with the mouthguard.I am so sorry it took so long to write back. I started this email and then left for races and completely forgot. So, please accept my apology.

I have not been doing as much heavy lifting as out season started pretty quickly after i received my mouth guard. I did PR my power clean by about 9 kilos since wearing the mouth guard. So thank! I really enjoy wearing the Guar while I am squatting and that is where I feel it is most beneficial, when I am coming out of the bottom of the squat.

I have also been wearing the mouth guard while racing. I just fixed my helmet so I am excited to try the mouthguard without any helmet issues. I did however notice that breathing was much easier while I was wearing it compared to my old mouthguard. Besides that, the mouth guard has become a staple in my training. I am really excited to get back into a better lifting/sprinting routine to really see what it can do. 

I’ll keep you updated on the mouth guard with the new helmet.

THANKS AGAIN! I really do love your product.

Morgan Tracey - USA Bobsled



Jared Fleming


Dear Dr. Andary,

I am grateful for the time and effort you put in coming out to the OTC and fitting me for the mouthguard. I did notice a difference especially in my jerks. I jerked 210 kg from the block a week or so ago after wearing the mouthguard which was a 9kg personal record over my previous best. With the guard I feel like the bar is more in line with my center of gravity when over head. I plan to continue wearing the mouthguard daily during my workouts. Thank you for all your time and this is a great tool to help further my lifting career. 

Jared Fleming - USA Weightlifting



Jesse Bechom


Hey Doc Joe, 

Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you but its been a stressful season for me.

Thanks again for fitting us with these mouth guards they are definitely better than any other mouth piece I have used period!!! Although aI was really skeptical about some of the claims behind the product I do see an increase in the amount of weight I lift when I have the mouth guard in vs when I have it out. I’m not sure what the percentage increate is, but i do full stronger. I also like the fact that I can breathe normally when I have it in and the fact that people can hear me when I talk. I would definitely recommend your product to any elite athletes and for that matter any athlete at all.

Thanks again Doc!

Jesse Bechom III - USA Bobsled National Team



Kyle Tress


Thanks again for everything Dr. Joe. I’m loving the mouth guard I wear it every day for sliding and training. 

My mouth guard has made a huge difference in my training and my sliding. Since wearing it, I’ve qualified for the World Cup team while also making significant improvements in my lifting and sprinting. I’m a believer! Thanks for everything!

Kyle Tress - USA World Cup Skeleton Team



Lucas Euser


Doc Joe

Dr. Joe. I endorse, use, and love the mouthguard. Don’t ever see myself riding without one. 

Lucas Euser - Team Spidertech



Tom Santagato

Hey Dr. Joe

Let me just start by saying that I really like and enjoy wearing my mouth guard. I like the fact that it is a bottom piece and that it is small enough where I do not really notice it during activities. As far as performance goes, the biggest difference I have noticed comes when I am lifting heavy weights. I have noticed that it is easier for me to be powerful through lifts and getting myself out of sticking points. For example, driving out of the bottom position of a square has become significantly easier with the mouth guard. As far as sledging goes I am pretty sure I have y mouth half open the entire time so it is hard for me to receive the same benefits. All in all I am very happy with the mouthguard and would definitely recommend it to fellow athletes. 

I cannot thank you enough for giving me the opportunity to use your product, I truly appreciate your generosity. 

Best Regards

Tom Santagato - USA Skeleton



Meghan Hill

Yes I do feel benefits. I feel stronger and more “centered” or tuned into my own body when I am wearing my mouth guard. I’m loving it!

Meghan Hill - USA Bobsled



Jazmine Felinator

Jazmine Felinator//USA Bobsled


Although I have not “officially” suffered or been diagnosed with a concussion I have no doubts that I suffered from a small/moderate one in my career of bobsled over the last few seasons. I see everyone whom has been fitted sporting their mouthguard but I will reiterate how important it is. Being fitted by Dr. Joe was awesome. I had heard how great is by other athletes and lean, but after meeting him experiences his car, education, and true dedication to helping athletes perform top notch personally. He took the time to explain the process, the goals and history of mouth guard and more. Was even better is he had guards for athletes he fitted on his last trip and used them as demonstration for numerous test for live proof as well.

Can’t wait for further results as I wear the mouth guard more and more, will keep the updates up.

Jazmine Felinator - USA Bobsled




Julie Golob

Hi Doc

Been going great. I took 2nd place at the IDPA Indoor Nationals last month despite very fitting training up here in Montana. The guard is working so well and I have been using it for all my matches. I have medaled in every single event that I have worn it in. :)

I placed 3rd at the Bianchi Cup NRA Action Pistol National Championships and just 2 days later I was on the road again to the Revolver World Championships. The last time I shot revolver was last year at this time. Last year I also competed with a completely different gun - a much easier gun at that, especially with the trigger. The trigger on my old gun was right around 5 lbs. The one I competed with this year is about 7.5 lbs. It may not seem much, but with my small hands that’s pretty significant. I had ZERO expectations and very little practice for the match but came home with a second place finish! I think the mouth guard was a huge help especially with regard to hand strength. I can remember points in competing last year with the easier gun when I just couldn’t pull the trigger anymore. It was like I went into muscle failure. This year, I never once even had that thought and managed it just fine. Considering that I haven’t had much training to build up that shooting hand strength at all this year compared to last year ( I had already several thousands of bullets downrange up to this point) I think this is HUGE.

Julie Golob - Champion, Hunter, Veteran, Author





Doc Joe,

During our World Cup in France, I misplaced my mouth guard. It was my original mouth piece that I have had since last year, and I feel as though a part of my uniform is missing. Over the past year, I have experienced the power of a mouth guard and use it for every athletic activity that I participate in. It has been in my mouth for every personal best lift, World Cup medal, and my World Championship Bronze performance. If there is any possibility of getting another one made, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you and Happy Holidays,

Katie Eberling - USA Bobsled
