Hi Doc

Been going great. I took 2nd place at the IDPA Indoor Nationals last month despite very fitting training up here in Montana. The guard is working so well and I have been using it for all my matches. I have medaled in every single event that I have worn it in. :)

I placed 3rd at the Bianchi Cup NRA Action Pistol National Championships and just 2 days later I was on the road again to the Revolver World Championships. The last time I shot revolver was last year at this time. Last year I also competed with a completely different gun - a much easier gun at that, especially with the trigger. The trigger on my old gun was right around 5 lbs. The one I competed with this year is about 7.5 lbs. It may not seem much, but with my small hands that’s pretty significant. I had ZERO expectations and very little practice for the match but came home with a second place finish! I think the mouth guard was a huge help especially with regard to hand strength. I can remember points in competing last year with the easier gun when I just couldn’t pull the trigger anymore. It was like I went into muscle failure. This year, I never once even had that thought and managed it just fine. Considering that I haven’t had much training to build up that shooting hand strength at all this year compared to last year ( I had already several thousands of bullets downrange up to this point) I think this is HUGE.

Julie Golob - Champion, Hunter, Veteran, Author
